Flow the psychology of optimal experience audiobook
Flow the psychology of optimal experience audiobook

flow the psychology of optimal experience audiobook

What are the impediments to the clarity of goals? (Unconscious sabotage? “Fear of success”) How can clarity of goals make our activities/work more satisfying?How can you make your goals clear?1.

flow the psychology of optimal experience audiobook

No conflicts or confusion about what you have to do. Necessary Criteria for FlowThe people interviewed by Csikszentmihalyi all spoke about these componentsMore than 8,000 subjects, from all walks of lifeRemember these 8 and apply them A high challenge with low skill produces anxiety but with high skill might produce FLOW if other conditions are optimal. Perfect BalanceFactors determining FLOW The challenge level matches the skill level. He is one of the notableResearchers in the field ofpositive psychology. Prof CsikszentmihalyiBorn in Croatia, this Hungarian Psychology professor at the University of Chicagois known for his studies on creativity andhappiness.

Flow the psychology of optimal experience audiobook