docx), Portable Document Format (.pdf), rich text (.rtf), and plain text (.txt) formats. Documents can be imported from Microsoft Word (.doc and. 1 NVivo allows researchers to collect, organize, and analyze these varied data types. Qualitative research encourages varied sources of information including interviews, field notes, video recordings, images, documents, press clippings, and photographs.

The task ribbon permits quick completion of tasks and offers a “wizard” to run queries and create reports. The software workspace is fashioned after the Microsoft Office interface, so it will immediately look familiar to users of Outlook, with a panel to the left containing folders and a larger panel to the right containing a project outline above and detailed documents below. What this program does offer is an easy to use format to help you sort, organize, and classify data until you find the answer to the research question you are seeking.įor a complex program, NVivo is very user friendly. While some automatic coding functions exist within this program, the brain behind the process is yours. Let me answer the question that everyone must be asking themselves: “Is there a magic button I can click to make the program code the data for me?” Unfortunately, NVivo software cannot do all of the work for us. NVivo 10, released in 2012 by QSR International, can assist researchers carrying out this type of research by offering easy to use tools for organization and analysis of such data. This type of research affords rich description of data, yet quantitatively trained researchers are often uncomfortable with this type of data analysis. Qualitative research within pharmacy education is increasing in popularity.