Pcswmm tutorial help
Pcswmm tutorial help

pcswmm tutorial help

The rainfall used for this model is a 100 year ARI design rainfall with 30 minutes duration. For the entire model, RUNOFF routing has been used.Double-click the nodes and review the data.Note that the hydrology model setup is already completed and imported through the XPX file. You will see that the network consists of pipes and open channels. Double-click and open the links and nodes.Click the Fit to window tool and you will see the whole 1D drainage network.Select the file and then click Import.Click the XPX Format File radio button, and then the Select button,.

pcswmm tutorial help

Go to File menu and select Import/Export Data > Import XPX/EPA Data.You will import the designed drainage area network from the XPX file. Select the Section Profile tool and take some cross sections at different locations and you will see that the DTM represents the project area terrain very well. Adjust the transparency of the DTM layer to view the DTM and background image together.Right-click the added DTM layer and select Edit Colors.Locate the file Post_Development.xptin and then click OK.Right-click the DTM layer and select Load XPTIN File.You will see an urban residential subdivision development, roadways, narrow open channels, playground, and ponds in the aerial map. Locate the file Aerial_Photo_M04.bmp, select and open the file.Right-click the Background Image layer and select Add Background Image.At the opening dialog, open the file Urban_Flooding01.xp.Note that this network is already designed and you will construct/import this designed network into the model. This section describes how to set up a 1D drainage network model for the urban development. Part 1 - 1D Drainage Network and Hydrology: In that case, you can open the completed model Urban_Flooding_Completed.xp, analyze, and review results. You may skip this section and go to the last section Analysis and Review Results. This section describes the set up of 1D drainage network and hydrology model.

pcswmm tutorial help

The following sections (1D Drainage Network and Hydrology and 2D Model Setup) are optional.

Pcswmm tutorial help